
Justin Bieber Sued for Being Too Loud!

Do you think Justin Bieber is too loud? No? Well then a concertgoer named Stacey Wilson Betts thinks differently. In fact, this particular concertgoer is accusing Justin for being too loud that she got a permanent hearing impairment after being struck by a sound blast while attending the teen’s concert at the Rose Quarter Arena in 2010.
Based on court papers filed on Wednesday, Betts is suing the singer for $9.2 million because of her hearing loss. She alleges that she also suffered severe tinnitus and hyperacusis from the incident.
She stated in the lawsuit that the damage to her ears happened when Justin climbed into a heart-shaped gondola that was drawn over the crowd and this made a “wave-like effect of screaming” and it was while Justin was doing his thing in the gondola that Betts got struck with a sound blast.
Aside from Justin, his label Def Jam, concert promoter and sound engineers are also named in Betts’ lawsuit as responsible for her hearing loss.
I can’t help but be a little doubtful about this lawsuit. This isn’t the first time for Justin to be slapped with a million-dollar suit only for the accuser to back out at the last minute because her accusations are merely lies and she just wants to gain big bucks the easy way.
Could this accusation be true? What do you think?